
Tohoshinki’s Representative
Seki Yoshihiro’s Twitter

Twitter Updates Regarding Tohomobile & SM Entertainment
From Tohoshinki’s Representative Seki Yoshihiro’s Twitter
T/N: Please read from bottom to top.
Sorry for making you wait. Since we have received a lot of strong demands and requests from everyone. We decided that we would continue Tohomobile for free. For more details please check Tohomobile site.

Regarding Tohomobile this time, we made the decision [of discontinuing Tohomobile] because we thought that we wouldn’t be able to give you more reports considering Tohoshinki’s current situation. However, since we have received many requests and demands from everyone, we are having an urgent meeting now. I’m very sorry but please be patient and wait for a short while.

From Chiba Ryuuhei’s Twitter
T/N: Please read from bottom to top.

I think Tohoshinki’s fans will more or less be bewildered. This doesn’t mean that SM Entertainment is bad. They (Tohoshinki) did talk to the Korean side, and it was a positive talk. Please give us a little bit more time. We will get it under control.
I heard about the discontinuation of Tohomobile from you guys (staff) just now. Did you make a mistake, is this true? If you want to do it, at least you have to tell President and me because we’re also in charge of it! No matter what kind of reason you have, it’s unbelievable that you guys decided on such important matter without our permission. President and I are already friends of Tohoshinki’s fans. Even if it couldn’t be helped, to discontinue it is something unbelievable.

T/N: In short, there was a miscommunication between Toho staff and the President/Vice President, and the staff decided to stop Tohomobile on their own without asking for permission, thus made Chiba-san angry. After this, they have decided to change Tohomobile from a charged service to a free service.

source: Seki Yoshihiro’s Twitter + Chiba Ryuuhei’s Twitter
translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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