
[TRANS] 100413
•Max Matsuura's Twitter Updates•
T/N: Please read from bottom to top.
Q: It's already late for me to realize this, but Changmin is also a human being, isn't he? That's why I have a strong feeling that he might be after something. Even if you start to criticize him in your tweets I won't lose*. Changmin's fans are very strong. I won't stop follow you either.
(*She's saying that since Changmin is a human being, he also has greed, and that's why she thinks that it is the reason for him not to join the trio in the lawsuit, and she tells Max Matsuura that it is okay if he wants to criticize Changmin if that is true)
A: I am, at least, the president of their Japanese management company.
Everyone, someday, definitely (cry).
I love ChangMin**! This is something that was cut from my documentary that was aired on New Year, but at that time ChangMin pulled my hand and asked me to introduce him to Ayu, and even now I still remember how I took him along to introduce to her.
(**He's saying this because his nickname is Max, and he has been tweeting using the word "Max" a lot today, and people asked him if he likes ChangMin)

But I am a Tohoshinki fan and I love them a lot. Someday, I'll come to ask them a favor again***.
(***He means that he wants to work with them again)

Source: Max Matsuura's Twitter
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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